How to Take Advantage of Seasonal Slowdowns


How to Take Advantage of Seasonal SlowdownsBranding, Digital Marketing

by Chuck Rees on July 26, 2024 with Comments Off on How to Take Advantage of Seasonal Slowdowns

As a business owner, you have a good idea of which months are slow for sales. Still, that knowledge doesn’t quite ease the blow when you’re in the thick of it. Seasons that generate lower-than-average revenue can make you wonder if a greater downward trend is emerging. And since the cost of doing business and …

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Yes, Introverts Can Build Powerful Personal Brands. Here’s How!


Yes, Introverts Can Build Powerful Personal Brands. Here’s How!Branding, Digital Marketing

by Chuck Rees on September 1, 2023 with Comments Off on Yes, Introverts Can Build Powerful Personal Brands. Here’s How!

Everywhere you look on social media there’s larger than life personalities. Top influencers will rent a Lamborghini or a tank to push their comedy sketch towards the extraordinary. Business leaders like Mark Cuban and Gary Vee believe in what they’re saying 110%, and their message is infectious as a result. In an age when putting …

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10 Personal Branding Lessons from Famous Founders


10 Personal Branding Lessons from Famous FoundersBranding, Digital Marketing

by Chuck Rees on August 3, 2023 with Comments Off on 10 Personal Branding Lessons from Famous Founders

Want to know the best way to create an unforgettable personal brand? Learn from the best! One perk of learning about marketing is that there’s an endless supply of content at your fingertips to draw inspiration from. Before launching or investing in your personal brand it pays to get your head around what’s working for …

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Why It’s Best to Be on Some Social Media Apps, Not Them All


Why It’s Best to Be on Some Social Media Apps, Not Them AllBranding, Digital Marketing

by Chuck Rees on July 21, 2023 with Comments Off on Why It’s Best to Be on Some Social Media Apps, Not Them All

At any given time, there’s that hot app. Everybody is talking about it. And marketing leaders are considering how to leverage it. Others are strategizing and already executing their content marketing plan on the app. It’s enough to make many of us feel behind. You may dismiss the need to put your brand on the …

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9 Timeless Lessons from David Ogilvy


9 Timeless Lessons from David OgilvyAdvertising, Branding

by Chuck Rees on July 4, 2023 with Comments Off on 9 Timeless Lessons from David Ogilvy

We’re all guilty of it. Business leaders can get so engrossed in the latest developments in their industry that they stop focusing on the things that don’t change. As advancements accelerate all around us, human nature stays the same. And to be an effective marketer, you need to know what drives people to do what …

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Don’t Go Global: Is It Time to Localize Your Marketing?


Don’t Go Global: Is It Time to Localize Your Marketing?Branding, Digital Marketing

by Chuck Rees on August 2, 2022 with Comments Off on Don’t Go Global: Is It Time to Localize Your Marketing?

It’s a bit of a problem. There’s plenty of advice online about managing global brands and how to localize the marketing for customers from New York to New Delhi. Getting information aimed at enterprises when you’re running a small to mid-sized business can inspire you to think big. And it can also send you in …

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Branding for Small Business: A Simple Guide


Branding for Small Business: A Simple GuideBranding, Digital Marketing

by Chuck Rees on May 14, 2020 with Comments Off on Branding for Small Business: A Simple Guide

Small business owners inevitably need to wear a lot of hats. Beyond managing your core business offerings, you likely need to have to your hand in everything from accounting to sales. Marketing your products or services is an ongoing process, and the best time to start is yesterday. Before you can scale your business and …

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